Share of deaths by risk factor, World, 2021

The estimated share of deaths attributed to each risk factor. Estimates come with wide uncertainties, especially forcountries with poor vital registration.

16%11.9%9.1%7.8%7%5.5%5.4%4.6%2.7%2.7%2.5%2.3%1.9%1.6%1.3%1.3%1.2%1%1%0.9%0.7%0.7%0.7%0.7%0.5%0.1%<0.1%<0.1%High blood pressureAir pollution (outdoor & indoor)SmokingHigh blood sugarOutdoor particulate matter pollutionObesityHigh cholesterolIndoor air pollutionDiet high in sodiumAlcohol useDiet low in fruitsDiet low in whole grainsSecondhand smokeLow birthweightUnsafe sexDiet low in vegetablesUnsafe water sourceDiet low in nuts and seedsLow physical activityUnsafe sanitationChild wastingDrug useLow bone mineral densityNo access to handwashing facilityChild stuntingNon-exclusive breastfeedingIron deficiencyVitamin A deficiency

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Share of deaths by risk factor

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