Deaths by risk factor for over 70s, World, 2021

The estimated annual number of deaths attributed to each risk factor, among people aged over 70. Estimates comewith wide uncertainties especially for countries with poor vital registration.

7.33 million3.48 million3.27 million2.99 million2.04 million2.03 million1.54 million881,688758,022586,668491,876478,836323,915316,717227,925151,24190,46773,670High blood pressureHigh blood sugarSmokingOutdoor particulate matter pollutionHigh body-mass index (obesity)High cholesterolIndoor air pollutionDiet low in fruitsSecondhand smokeAlcohol useDiet low in vegetablesLow physical activityUnsafe water sourceLow bone mineral densityUnsafe sanitationNo access to handwashing facilityUnsafe sexDrug use

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Deaths by risk factor for over 70s

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