Causes of death in children aged 5 to 14, World, 2021

The estimated annual number of deaths from each cause, among children aged 5–14 years old. Estimates comewith wide uncertainties especially for countries with poor vital registration.

53,07749,19946,54645,49543,76433,81625,79719,03818,56516,59115,49110,0247,7777,6697,0306,5885,7085,0182,3111,510372Road accidentsCancersDrowningMalariaLower respiratory infectionsDiarrheal diseasesCOVID-19HIV/AIDSCardiovascular diseaseDigestive diseasesTuberculosisHomicideSuicideKidney diseaseNutritional deficienciesFireHepatitisChronic respiratory diseasesDiabetes mellitusNatural disastersHeat-related deaths (hot or cold exposure)

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Causes of death in children aged 5 to 14

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