Willingness to get vaccinated against COVID-19, France, Jan 15, 2021 to
Feb 15, 2022

Share of the total population who has not received a vaccine dose and who are willing vs. unwilling vs. uncertain if they wouldget a vaccine this week if it was available to them. Also shown is the share who have already received at least one dose.

Jan 15, 2021Feb 15, 2022Mar 15, 2021May 15, 2021Jul 15, 2021Sep 15, 2021Nov 15, 202150%Unvaccinated and not willing toget vaccinatedUnvaccinated and uncertain ifwilling to get vaccinatedUnvaccinated and willing to getvaccinatedVaccinated (with at least onedose)

Data source: Imperial College London, YouGov (2022)Learn more about this data

Note: Months containing fewer than 100 survey respondents are excluded. We infer willingness to get vaccinated in a country's population from surveyresponses of people aged 18 years and above, which may not be representative of the entire population. Nevertheless, we expect such differences to be small.

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Willingness to get vaccinated against COVID-19

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