Higher labor productivity and price levels in richer and poorer countries,

Labor productivity is expressed as the ratio of total GDP output and total numbers of hours worked. The ratio of PPP conversionfactor (GDP) to market exchange rate is taken as proxy for price levels.

GDP per hour worked (international-$ in 2017 prices per hour)20 $/h40 $/h60 $/h80 $/h100 $/h120 $/hPrice level ratio of PPP factor to market exchange rate (GDP to market exchange rat)0.5 GDPChinaChinaGermanyGermanyIrelandIrelandJapanJapanLatviaLatviaLuxembourgLuxembourgMexicoMexicoNorwayNorwaySingaporeSingaporeAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America$100k$100kCircles sized byGDP per capita

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    Higher labor productivity and price levels in richer and poorer countries

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