GDP per capita: Comparing data from World Bank and Penn World Table,

This data is adjusted for inflation and differences in living costs between countries.

Penn World Table data (international-$ in 2017 prices)$1,000$10,000$100,000$2,000$5,000$20,000$50,000World Bank data (international-$ in 2017 prices)$1,0002:12:11:21:2BurundiBurundiChinaChinaEthiopiaEthiopiaIndiaIndiaJapanJapanKenyaKenyaMaldivesMaldivesMoldovaMoldovaMozambiqueMozambiqueRussiaRussiaUnited StatesUnited StatesAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America1.4B1.4BCircles sized byPopulation(historical)

Data source: World Bank (2024); Feenstra et al. (2015), Penn World Table (2021)Learn more about this data

Note: This data is expressed in international-$ at 2017 prices. Penn World Table uses multiple benchmark years to adjust for differencesin living costs between countries over time.

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    GDP per capita: Comparing data from World Bank and Penn World Table

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