Annual working hours per worker vs. GDP per capita, 1870 to 2017

GDP per capita is adjusted for inflation and for differences in living costs between countries.

GDP per capita (international-$ in 2011 prices)$1,000$10,000$2,000$5,000$20,000$50,000Average annual working hours per worker (hours)2,000 h1870187018801880189018901900190019131913193819381956195619601960196619661972197219791979199119911999199920072007GermanyGermanyAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America18702017

Data source: Our World in Data based on Huberman & Minns (2007) and PWT 9.1 (2019); Bolt and van Zanden - Maddison Project Database2023Learn more about this data

Note: Before 1950 the data corresponds only to full-time production workers (non-agricultural activities). GDP per capita is expressed ininternational-$ at 2011 prices.

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Annual working hours per worker vs. GDP per capita

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