Annual working hours per worker, various sources
Comparison of various sources of annual working hours estimates. Note that not all sources publish data for every country.
Related: How are working hours measured?

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Related research and data
- Annual working hours per person employed
- Annual working hours per worker
- Annual working hours per worker vs. GDP per capita
- Annual working hours vs. GDP per capitaPenn World Table
- Annual working hours vs. labor productivity
- Average annual working hours per worker
- Average daily hours of work in summer, by industry
- Average daily hours of work in winter, by industry
- Average daily hours of work, by occupation, United States
- Average daily hours worked, by industry, United States
- Average daily work hours, by industry
- Average effective age of retirement for men
- Average effective age of retirement for women
- Average hours of work per week, by industry
- Days off from work for vacations and holidays
- Gap in GDP per hour worked with respect to the United States
- Hours of work vs. GDP per capita
- Hours per week spent in home production in the United States, by employment and marital status
- Hours spent in market and non-market work per week, by sex, United States
- Productivity: output per hour worked
- Weekly working hours
- Weekly working hours vs. hourly wage, by wage decilePaid and self-employment
- Weekly working hours vs. hourly wage, by wage decilePaid employment only