Antidepressant drug consumption per 1,000 people vs. GDP per capita,
2010 to 2021

Daily intake of antidepressants per 1,000 people, calculated as the 'defined daily dose'. Gross domestic product (GDP) percapita is adjusted for inflation and for differences in living costs between countries.

GDP per capita (international-$ in 2021 prices)$0$20,000$40,000$60,000$80,000$100,000$120,000Antidepressant drug consumption per 1,000 (daily dose per 1,000 inhabitants per day)100AustraliaAustraliaChileChileDenmarkDenmarkEstoniaEstoniaLatviaLatviaLuxembourgLuxembourgNorwayNorwayAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America20102021

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    Antidepressant drug consumption per 1,000 people vs. GDP per capita

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