Schizophrenia prevalence, by age, World, 2021

Estimated share of males versus females who have schizophrenia, whether or not they are diagnosed, based onrepresentative surveys, medical data and statistical modelling.

0.28%0.29%0.19%0.31%0.38%0.44%0.49%0.53%0.56%0.56%0.53%0.43%0.25%0.07%<0.01%Age-standardizedAll agesAges 70+Ages 65-69Ages 60-64Ages 55-59Ages 50-54Ages 45-49Ages 40-44Ages 35-39Ages 30-34Ages 25-29Ages 20-24Ages 15-19Ages 5-14

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Schizophrenia prevalence, by age

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