Agricultural output, 1961 to 2019
Total agricultural output is the sum of crop and livestock products. It is measured in constant 2015 US$, whichmeans it adjusts for inflation.
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Related research and data
- Agricultural export subsidies
- Agricultural general services support
- Agricultural land per capita
- Agricultural land use per person
- Agricultural producer support
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- Apple production
- Arable land use per person
- Average farm size
- Avocado production
- Banana production
- Banana production by region
- Barley production
- Bean production
- Breakdown of habitable land area
- Cashew nut production
- Cassava production
- Cereal production
- Cereals allocated to food, animal feed and fuel
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- Change in corn production and land use in the United States
- Change of cereal yield and land used for cereal production
- Chicken meat production
- Cocoa bean production
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- Coffee bean production
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- Corn production
- Cropland and pasture per person
- Cropland area
- Cropland extent over the long-term
- Distribution of soil lifespans
- FAO projections of arable land
- Fertilizer use per hectare of cropland
- Global agricultural land use by major crop type
- Global allocation of crops to end uses by farm size
- Global crop production by farm size
- Global food exports: how much comes from Ukraine & Russia?
- Global food production: how much comes from Ukraine & Russia?
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- Labor productivity in agriculture (GDP/worker)
- Land use for vegetable oil crops
- Long-run cereal yields in the United Kingdom
- Maize exports from Ukraine and Russia in perspective
- Methane emissions from agriculture
- Nitrogen output vs. nitrogen input to agriculture
- Nitrogen use efficiency
- Nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture
- Oil palm production
- Orange production
- Organic agricultural area
- Palm oil imports
- Pea production
- Per capita nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture
- Phosphorous inputs per hectare of cropland
- Potato production
- Productivity of small-scale food producers
- Progress toward productive and sustainable agriculture
- Projections for global peak agricultural land
- Rapeseed production
- Rice production
- Rice production by region
- Rye production
- Sesame seed production
- Share of agricultural land being productively and sustainably used
- Share of agricultural land which is irrigated
- Share of agricultural landowners who are women
- Share of arable land which is organic
- Share of cereals allocated to animal feed
- Share of cereals allocated to food, animal feed or fuel
- Share of cereals allocated to human food
- Share of cereals allocated to human food vs. GDP per capita
- Share of cereals allocated to industrial uses
- Share of land area used for agriculture
- Share of land area used for arable agriculture
- Share of land used for permanent meadows and pastures
- Soy production, yield and area harvested
- Soybean production
- Soybeans: are they used for food, feed or fuel?
- Sugar beet production
- Sugar cane production
- Sunflower seed production
- Sweet potato production
- Tea production
- Tea production by region
- Tobacco production
- Tomato production
- Total applied phosphorous to crops
- Value of agricultural production
- Vegetable oil production
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- Wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia in perspective
- Wheat production
- Which countries have managed to decouple agricultural output from more inputs?
- Wine production
- Yams production