Share of total disease burden by cause, World, 2021

Total disease burden, measured in Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) by sub-category of disease or injury.DALYs measure the total burden of disease – both from years of life lost due to premature death and years livedwith a disability. One DALY equals one lost year of healthy life.

14.9%12.1%8.8%7.4%6.5%5.6%5.4%4.9%4.3%3.9%3.8%3.7%3.1%2.5%2.5%2.4%1.7%1.7%1.4%1.2%1.1%0.9%0.4%0.3%<0.1%Cardiovascular diseasesRespiratory infections and TBCancersCovid-19Neonatal disordersMusculoskeletal disordersMental disordersOther NCDsDiabetes and kidney diseasesNeurological disordersRespiratory diseasesUnintentional injuriesDigestive diseasesEnteric infectionsMalaria & neglected tropical diseasesTransport injuriesNutritional deficienciesHIV/AIDS and STIsSkin diseasesSelf-harmSubstance use disordersInterpersonal violenceMaternal disordersConflict & terrorismNatural disasters

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Share of total disease burden by cause

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