Greenhouse gas emissions per kilogram of food product

Greenhouse gas emissions are measured in kilograms of carbon dioxide-equivalents. This means non-CO₂ gasesare weighted by the amount of warming they cause over a 100-year timescale.

99.48 kg39.72 kg33.3 kg26.87 kg23.88 kg12.31 kg9.87 kg4.67 kg4.45 kg3.15 kg2.09 kg1.7 kg1.57 kg0.98 kg0.86 kg0.46 kg0.43 kgBeef (beef herd)Lamb & MuttonBeef (dairy herd)Prawns (farmed)CheesePig MeatPoultry MeatEggsRiceMilkTomatoesMaizeWheat & RyePeasBananasPotatoesNuts

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Greenhouse gas emissions per kilogram of food product

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