Eutrophying emissions per 1000 kilocalories

Eutrophying emissions represent runoff of excess nutrients into the surrounding environment and waterways, whichaffect and pollute ecosystems. They are measured in grams of phosphate equivalents (PO₄eq).

220.6 g197.4 g133.8 g131.4 g110.4 g32 g30.6 g26.3 g25.4 g17.8 g16.8 g15.1 g9.5 g7 g5.5 g4.8 g3.1 g3 g2.7 g2.4 g2.2 g0.9 gPrawns (farmed)CoffeeBeef (dairy herd)Fish (farmed)Beef (beef herd)Pig MeatLamb & MuttonPoultry MeatCheeseMilkDark ChocolateEggsRiceCitrus FruitBananasPotatoesNutsApplesWheat & RyeGroundnutsPeasMaize

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Eutrophying emissions per 1000 kilocalories

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