Land use per kilogram of food product

Land use is measured in meters squared (m²) per kilogram of a given food product.

369.81 m²326.21 m²87.79 m²68.96 m²43.24 m²21.62 m²17.36 m²12.96 m²12.22 m²9.11 m²8.95 m²8.41 m²7.46 m²6.27 m²3.85 m²2.97 m²2.94 m²2.8 m²1.93 m²0.88 m²0.86 m²0.8 m²0.63 m²Lamb & MuttonBeef (beef herd)CheeseDark ChocolateBeef (dairy herd)CoffeePig MeatNutsPoultry MeatGroundnutsMilkFish (farmed)PeasEggsWheat & RyePrawns (farmed)MaizeRiceBananasPotatoesCitrus FruitTomatoesApples

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Land use per kilogram of food product

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