Scarcity-weighted water use per kilogram of food product

Scarcity-weighted water use represents freshwater use weighted by local water scarcity. This is measured in litersper kilogram of food product.

229,890 L180,851 L141,925 L127,259 L119,805 L66,867 L61,798 L49,576 L41,572 L34,733 L33,386 L27,948 L19,786 L17,983 L14,178 L12,949 L10,863 L5,336 L2,879 L2,754 L929 L662 L337 LNutsCheeseLamb & MuttonPrawns (farmed)Beef (dairy herd)Pig MeatGroundnutsRiceFish (farmed)Beef (beef herd)Wheat & RyePeasMilkEggsPoultry MeatApplesMaizeTomatoesDark ChocolatePotatoesRoot VegetablesBananasCoffee

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Scarcity-weighted water use per kilogram of food product

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