Phosphorous emissions per tonne of farmed seafood

Based on a meta-analysis that includes data from 1690 fish farms. Emissions are given in kilograms of phosphorusper tonne of edible weight. Chicken – the lowest-carbon meat – is shown for comparison.

50.2 kg37.5 kg30.5 kg26.6 kg24.4 kg24 kg23.9 kg23.2 kg20.8 kg20.3 kg6.6 kg-10.1 kg-24.3 kgOther marine fish (farmed)Other freshwater fish (farmed)ChickenSalmon (farmed)Tilapia (farmed)Shrimp (farmed)Milkfish (farmed)Trout (farmed)Catfish (farmed)Carp (farmed)Silver/bighead (farmed)Seaweed (farmed)Bivalves (farmed)

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Phosphorous emissions per tonne of farmed seafood

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