Scarcity-weighted water use of foods per 1000 kilocalories

Scarcity-weighted water use represents freshwater use weighted by local water scarcity. This is measured in litersper 1000 kilocalories.

123,552 L46,731 L44,771 L43,885 L37,380 L32,977 L28,083 L27,978 L26,976 L23,225 L14,571 L13,450 L12,723 L12,488 L12,479 L10,655 L7,664 L3,763 L2,402 L1,103 LPrawns (farmed)CheeseLamb & MuttonBeef (dairy herd)NutsMilkTomatoesPig MeatApplesFish (farmed)Citrus FruitRiceBeef (beef herd)EggsWheat & RyeGroundnutsPoultry MeatPotatoesMaizeBananas

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Scarcity-weighted water use of foods per 1000 kilocalories

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