Food: emissions from production and the supply chain

Greenhouse gas emissions are measured in kilograms of carbon dioxide-equivalents (CO₂eq) per kilogram of food.

Land use change, on-farm, and animal feedSupply chain (processing, transport, packaging, retail)Beef (beef herd)85 kgLamb & Mutton34 kgBeef (dairy herd)29 kgFish (farmed)12 kgPig Meat11 kgPoultry Meat8.4 kgEggs4.5 kgRice3.8 kgMilk2.9 kgTofu2.9 kgMaize1.5 kgWheat & Rye1.4 kgSoy milk0.91 kgPeas0.9 kgBananas0.69 kgPotatoes0.37 kg

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Food: emissions from production and the supply chain

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