Expected years of schooling vs. share in extreme poverty, 2023
Expected years of schooling is the number of years a child of school entrance age can expect to receive if thecurrent age-specific enrollment rates persist throughout the child’s years of schooling. Extreme poverty is defined asliving below the International Poverty Line of $2.15 per day.
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Related research and data
- Average learning outcomes
- Average learning outcomes vs. GDP per capita
- Average learning-adjusted years of schooling
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- Average years of schoolingUNDP
- Average years of schooling for menUNESCO
- Average years of schooling for womenUNESCO
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- Share of secondary school teachers who are women
- Share of students achieving minimum math proficiency by the end of lower-secondary education
- Share of students achieving minimum math proficiency by the end of primary education
- Share of students achieving minimum math proficiency in early primary education
- Share of students achieving minimum proficiency in reading and math at each education level
- Share of students achieving minimum reading proficiency by the end of lower-secondary education
- Share of students achieving minimum reading proficiency by the end of primary education
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- Share of students from abroad
- Share of students studying abroad
- Share of teachers in primary education who are trained
- Share of teachers in secondary education who are qualified
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- Share of the population who completed lower-secondary education
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