Distribution of population between different poverty thresholds, World,
1820 to 2018
This data is adjusted for inflation and for differences in living costs between countries. Data after 1981 relates to householdincome or consumption surveys collated by the World Bank; before 1981 it is based on historical reconstructions of GDP percapita and inequality data.
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- Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)Current estimates
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- National poverty line vs. GDP per capitaBy income group
- National poverty line vs. mean daily income or consumption
- National poverty line vs. median income or consumption per day
- Number of income/consumption surveys in the past decade available via the World Bank
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- Number of people living in extreme povertyLine chart
- Number of people living in extreme poverty by regionHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Number of people living in extreme poverty by region'Cost of basic needs' approach, Historical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- PPP conversion factor for private consumption
- Poverty gap index at $2.15 per day
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- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $30 a day
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- Share in extreme poverty vs. life expectancy
- Share in extreme poverty vs. poverty gap index
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- Share in poverty relative to different poverty thresholds
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