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Related research and data
- Adequacy of social safety net programs
- Cereal yield vs. share in extreme poverty
- Child mortality vs. share in extreme poverty
- Consumer price index
- Death rate from indoor air pollution vs. share in extreme poverty
- Death rate from unsafe water sources vs. share of population living in extreme poverty
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholdsfewer thresholds
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholdsmore thresholds
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholds
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholdsHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholds2011 PPPs
- Distribution of population between different poverty thresholdsfewer thresholds, 2011 PPPs
- Expected years of schooling vs. share in extreme poverty
- Extreme monetary poverty and multidimensional poverty over timeHarmonized over time estimates
- Fertility rate vs. share living in extreme poverty
- GDP per capitaWorld Bank, constant international-$
- Gini index of consumption in 2015 vs. 1990Consumption & income
- Hidden Hunger Index vs. share in extreme poverty
- Historical national accounts estimates of the distribution of people living at different income thresholds globally
- Historical national accounts estimates of the share of people living below $5 a day
- Historical national accounts estimates of the share of the world's population living on less than $5 per day, by region
- How does extreme monetary poverty compare to multidimensional poverty?Current estimates
- Income or consumption of the poorest 10%World Bank, Marimekko
- Income or consumption of the poorest 10% vs. GDP per capita
- Income or consumption of the poorest 10% vs. mean income
- Income or consumption of the poorest and richest 10%
- Income or consumption of the richest 10%World Bank, Marimekko
- Intensity of multidimensional povertyCurrent estimates
- Intensity of multidimensional povertyHarmonized over time estimates
- Mean income or consumption per dayMarimekko
- Mean income or consumption per day2017 Int-$
- Mean income or consumption per day vs. GDP per capita
- Mean income or consumption per day vs. GDP per capita2011 PPPs
- Mean income or consumption per day: 2011 vs. 2017 international-$
- Mean vs. median income or consumptionWorld Bank
- Median income or consumption per day
- Median income or consumption per day vs. GDP per capita
- Median income or consumption per day vs. GDP per capita2011 PPPs
- Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)Current estimates
- Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)Harmonized over time estimates
- National poverty line vs. GDP per capita
- National poverty line vs. GDP per capitaBy income group
- National poverty line vs. mean daily income or consumption
- National poverty line vs. median income or consumption per day
- Number of income/consumption surveys in the past decade available via the World Bank
- Number of people living in extreme povertyStacked area chart
- Number of people living in extreme povertyLine chart
- Number of people living in extreme poverty by regionHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Number of people living in extreme poverty by region'Cost of basic needs' approach, Historical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- PPP conversion factor for private consumption
- Poverty gap index at $2.15 per day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $1 a day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $10 a dayLine chart
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $10 a dayMarimekko
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $3.65 a day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $30 a day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $30 a day2011 PPPs
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $40 a day
- Poverty: Share of population living on less than $6.85 a day
- Prevalence of underweight children vs. share in extreme poverty
- Prosperity gap
- Reconstruction of historical global extreme poverty rates
- Reconstruction of historical poverty trends by country
- Relative poverty: Share of people below 40% of median income
- Relative poverty: Share of people below 50% of median income
- Relative poverty: Share of people below 60% of median income
- Share in extreme poverty vs. life expectancy
- Share in extreme poverty vs. poverty gap index
- Share in extreme poverty: Cost of basic needs approach vs. living on less than $1.90 a dayHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Share in multidimensional poverty according to national definitions
- Share in poverty relative to different poverty thresholds
- Share in poverty relative to different poverty thresholdsHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021)
- Share in poverty relative to different poverty thresholds2011 PPPs
- Share in poverty vs. educational attainment
- Share in poverty vs. life expectancy
- Share living on less than $6.85 a day vs. mean income or consumption
- Share of global population living in extreme poverty including and excluding China
- Share of government consumption in GDP vs. share of population living in extreme poverty
- Share of gross national income donated toward poverty reduction
- Share of gross national income from poverty reduction grants
- Share of people at risk of falling into poverty if payment for surgical care is required
- Share of population below and above $30 per dayStacked bar: Above/below $30 per day
- Share of population deprived by multidimensional poverty indicatorsCurrent estimates
- Share of population living below national poverty lines
- Share of population living in extreme povertyLine chart
- Share of population living in extreme povertyMarimekko
- Share of population living in extreme povertyHistorical estimates (Moatsos, 2021), Line chart
- Share of population living in extreme poverty'Cost of basic needs' approach, Historical estimates (Moatsos, 2021), Stacked area chart
- Share of population living in extreme poverty'Cost of basic needs' approach, Historical estimates (Moatsos, 2021), Line chart
- Share of population living in extreme poverty2011 PPPs
- Share of population living in extreme poverty vs. GDP per capita
- Share of population living in extreme poverty vs. mean income or consumption per day
- Share of population living in multidimensional povertyCurrent estimates
- Share of population living in multidimensional povertyHarmonized over time estimates
- Share of population living in multidimensional poverty vs. Multidimensional Poverty IndexCurrent estimates
- Share of population living in multidimensional poverty: urban vs. rural areasHarmonized over time estimates
- Share of population living in multidimensional poverty: urban vs. rural areasCurrent estimates
- Share of population living in multidimensional poverty: urban vs. rural areasCurrent estimates, scatterplot
- Share of population living in severe multidimensional povertyCurrent estimates
- Share of population living on less than $2 per day
- Share of population living on less than $3.65 per day vs. share in multidimensional povertyCurrent estimates
- Share of population living on less than $5 per day
- Share of population living with less than $2.15 and $3.65 per day
- Share vs. intensity of multidimensional povertyHarmonized over time estimates
- Share vs. intensity of multidimensional povertyCurrent estimates
- The share and number of people living in extreme poverty
- Total population living in extreme poverty by world region
- Total shortfall from extreme poverty
- Use of interpolation and extrapolation on Maddison GDP per capita data
- Vaccination coverage vs. share in extreme poverty
- World population living in extreme povertyWorld Bank & Bourguignon and Morrisson