Share of new cancers caused by infections, World, 2020

Estimated share of new cancer cases attributed to all known cancer-causing pathogens. This includes H. pylori,human papillomavirus, hepatitis B & C virus, Epstein-Barr virus, human herpesvirus type 8, schistosomahaematobium, human T-cell lymphotropic virus, O. viverrini, and C. sinensis.

100%100%100%100%89%83.1%78%75.8%74%60.1%51.1%51%30.7%24.7%19.9%13.1%3.3%2.6%2.2%2.1%1.2%Kaposi's sarcomaCervical carcinomaAnus squamous cell carcinomaAdult T-cell leukemia and lymphomaNon-cardia stomach cancerNasopharynx carcinomaVagina carcinomaHepatocellular carcinomaNon-Hodgkin lymphoma in stomachBurkitt lymphomaHodgkin lymphomaPenis carcinomaOropharyngeal carcinomaVulva carcinomaCardia stomach cancerCancers overallOther non-Hodgkin lymphomaBile duct cancerLaryngeal cancerOral cancerBladder carcinoma

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