Death rate from cancers vs. income inequality, 2021

Estimated annual number of deaths from all types of cancer per 100,000 people. The Gini coefficient measuresinequality on a scale from 0 to 1. Higher values indicate higher inequality.

Gini coefficient0.250.30.350.40.450.50.55Cancer death rate (deaths per 100,000 people)100AustriaAustriaBrazilBrazilChinaChinaCosta RicaCosta RicaIndiaIndiaIsraelIsraelPolandPolandSlovakiaSlovakiaSyriaSyriaTurkeyTurkeyUnited StatesUnited StatesAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America1.4B1.4BCircles sized byPopulation(historical)

Data source: IHME, Global Burden of Disease (2024); World Bank Poverty and Inequality Platform (2024) – Learn more about this data

Note: Depending on the country and year, inequality data relates to income measured after taxes and benefits, or to consumption, per capita. To allow forcomparisons between countries and over time, death rates are age-standardized.

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