Five-year survival rate of cancers via different diagnosis routes in
England, 2016

The age-standardized 5-year cancer survival rate diagnosed via different routes.

Colorectal cancerColorectal cancer65.3%64.5%60.2%58.4%56.8%30.8%Urgent GP referralInpatient electiveGP referralAll routesOther outpatientEmergencyBrain cancerBrain cancer75.1%59.4%56.2%52.4% in 201538.5%30.9% in 2012GP referralOther outpatientAll routesInpatient electiveEmergencyUrgent GP referralLung cancerLung cancer31.8%29.6%24%21%14%7.5%Other outpatientGP referralUrgent GP referralAll routesInpatient electiveEmergencyPancreatic cancerPancreatic cancer15.2% in 201514.3%8.3%6.3%3.8% in 2015Other outpatientGP referralAll routesUrgent GP referralEmergency

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Five-year survival rate of cancers via different diagnosis routes in England

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