Share of cancer deaths attributed to risk factors, World, 2021

The estimated share of deaths from cancers attributed to all risk factors. The remaining share represents deaths thatwould be expected to have occurred in the absence of these known risk factors.

100%91.6%75.7%71.4%57.1%54.6%50.9%47.7%37.9%34.8%33.9%32.3%28.1%27.1%18.7%18.3%11.7%11.7%7.9%4.9%-0.7%CervicalMesotheliomaLung, tracheal and bronchusLarynxColon and rectumEsophagealLip and oral cavityLiverPancreaticNasopharynxUterineBladderKidneyBreastLeukemiaStomachThyroidGallbladder and biliary tractMultiple myelomaNon-hodgkin lymphomaProstate

Data source: IHME, Global Burden of Disease (2024)Learn more about this data

Note: In some cases, IHME methodology for calculating risks can include negative values. This can reflect potential protective effects orindicate uncertainty due to weak or poorly understood relationships between the risk factors and health outcomes.

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Share of cancer deaths attributed to risk factors

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