Plastic waste by disposal method with projections, 2000 to 2060

Mismanaged plastic waste includes materials burned in open pits, dumped into seas or open waters, or disposed ofin unsanitary landfills and dumpsites. Projections are based on the "business-as-usual" scenario which assumes thatcurrent policies remain unchanged in the foreseeable future.

IncineratedLandfilledMismanagedRecycledUnited StatesUnited States200020602020204050M tEuropeEurope2000206020202040ChinaChina2000206020202040IndiaIndia2000206020202040Americas (excl. USA)Americas (excl. USA)2000206020202040Middle East & North AfricaMiddle East & North Africa2000206020202040

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Plastic waste by disposal method with projections

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