Child mortality: IHME vs. UN IGME estimates
The estimated share of newborns who die before reaching the age of five. This compares estimates from the IHME's Global Burden of Disease study and the UNInter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation (IGME).

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Related research and data
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- Child mortality rateUN IGME
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- Children with diarrheal disease vs. oral rehydration salts
- Congenital birth defect mortality rates in children under-5
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- Global child deaths by cause
- Global child mortalityGapminder & UN IGME
- Global infant mortality by cause for boys vs. girls
- Global infant mortality rate with and without vaccines
- Infant mortality by sex
- Infant mortality rateUN IGME
- Infant mortality rateIHME
- Infant mortality rateUN WPP
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- Major causes of child deaths
- Malnutrition: Number of children who are underweight
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- Neonatal mortality rateIHME
- Neonatal mortality rate
- Neonatal mortality vs. births attended by skilled health staff
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- Number of child deathsUN IGME
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- Number of child deaths by world regionUN WPP
- Number of child deaths per woman
- Number of children that die from road injuries
- Number of deaths by ageUN
- Number of deaths from pneumonia in children under five
- Number of infant deathsUN IGME
- Number of infant deathsIHME
- Number of infant deathsUN WPP
- Number of infant deathsUN via WHO
- Number of neonatal deathsIHME
- Number of neonatal deathsUN IGME
- Number of neonatal deaths by region
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- Number of new tetanus cases in children under-5
- Number of youth deaths
- Probability of dying in infancy, by sex
- Protein-energy malnutrition mortality rates in children
- Rate of child deaths attributed to child and maternal malnutrition
- Rotavirus deaths in children under five
- Rotavirus deaths that were preventable in children under five
- Share of babies born with a low birthweight
- Share of children with a respiratory infection taken to a healthcare provider
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- Share of children with symptoms of pneumonia who are taken to a health provider
- Share of mothers visited by a health professional during pregnancy
- Share of mothers who have lost a child under five
- Share of mothers who have lost an infant
- Stillbirth rate
- Tetanus mortality in children under-5
- UN projection of infant deaths
- Under-five mortality vs. prevalence of anemia in pregnant women
- Youth mortality rate