Child and maternal malnutrition death rates vs. GDP per capita
The estimated number of deaths attributed to child and maternal malnutrition, per 100,000 people. GDP per capita is adjusted for inflation and differences inliving costs between countries.

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Related research and data
- Child deaths attributed to malnutrition by risk factor
- Child deaths linked to child and maternal malnutrition
- Child mortality vs. prevalence of child wasting
- Child mortality vs. prevalence of stunting
- Death rate from malnutritionWHO
- Death rate from malnutritionIHME, crude
- Death rate from malnutritionIHME, age-standardized
- Deaths from malnutritionWHO
- Deaths from malnutritionIHME
- Exclusive breastfeeding rate
- Global Hunger Index
- Global Hunger Index vs. GDP per capita
- Hidden Hunger Index vs. share of energy supply from cereals, roots and tubers
- Inequality in per capita calorie intake
- Inequality of food consumption vs. GDP per capita
- Malnutrition death rate vs. GDP per capita
- Malnutrition: Number of children who are stuntedUnited Nations
- Malnutrition: Number of children who are underweight
- Malnutrition: Number of children who are wastedUnited Nations
- Malnutrition: Prevalence of childhood stunting, male vs. female
- Malnutrition: Share of children who are stuntedWHO
- Malnutrition: Share of children who are underweight
- Malnutrition: Share of children who are wastedUnited Nations
- Minimum daily requirement of calories
- Number of people who are moderately or severely food insecure
- Number of people who are severely food insecure
- Number of people who are undernourishedBy country
- Number of severely food insecure people by region
- Prevalence of stunting vs. improved sanitation facilities
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- Stunting vs. GDP per capita