Female labor force participation rates

The female labor force participation rate corresponds to the proportion of the female population aged 15 and olderthat is economically active. All figures correspond to national estimates, without ILO corrections (see limitations andexceptions in the Sources tab).

Female labor force participation rate (%) in 2020 (% of female population ages 15+ national estimate)0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%Female labor force participation rate (%) in 1980 (% of female population ages 15+ national estimate)50%EgyptEgyptIndiaIndiaIraqIraqLower-middle-income countriesLower-middle-income countriesTanzaniaTanzaniaUnited StatesUnited StatesAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America1.4B1.4BCircles sized byPopulation(historical)

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