Women's Economic Opportunity Index, 2012
This index is base on five underlying indicators: Labor policy and practice; Access to Finance; Education and training; Women's legal and social status; and theGeneral business environment. Scores are scaled 0-100. Higher values denote more opportunities.

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Related research and data
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- Borrowing to start or expand business, men vs. women
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- Equal rights to land ownership
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- Gender Inequality Index
- Gender gap in average wages
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- Gender wage gap vs. GDP per capitaBy continent
- Gender wage gap vs. GDP per capitaBy income group
- Historical Gender Equality Index
- Land ownership, men vs. women
- Law mandates equal pay for work of equal value for women and men
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- Share of women among low pay earners
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- Share of women in top income groups
- Systems tracking and making public allocations for gender equality and women's empowerment
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- Unadjusted gender wage gap including unemployed
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