Share of low-pay earners who are female vs. GDP per capita, 2015

The vertical axis shows the share of low-pay earners who are female, where 'low pay earners' are those at thebottom of the hourly earnings distribution (specifically, below two-thirds of median hourly earnings). The horizontalaxis shows GDP per capita, adjusted for inflation and differences in living costs between countries.

GDP per capita (international-$ in 2021 prices)$10,000$100,000$5,000$20,000$50,000Female share of low pay earners (%)50%ArmeniaArmeniaCameroonCameroonColombiaColombiaGermanyGermanyLatviaLatviaLuxembourgLuxembourgPhilippinesPhilippinesPolandPolandSpainSpainAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America100M100MCircles sized byPopulation(historical)

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    Share of low-pay earners who are female vs. GDP per capita

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