Daily protein supply of animal origin vs. plant origin, 2021

Daily supply of protein from animal-based vs. plant-based products, measured as the average supply in grams perperson per day. Protein of animal origin includes protein supplied in the form of all meat commodities, eggs anddairy products, and fish & seafood. Countries which lie above the grey line source a higher proportion of proteinsupply from animal-based than plant-based foods.

Plant protein (grams per day per capita)0 g20 g40 g60 g80 g100 gAnimal protein (grams per day per capita)50 gBrazilBrazilEuropeEuropeUpper-middle-income countriesUpper-middle-income countriesWorldWorldZimbabweZimbabweAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America7B7BCircles sized byPopulation(historical)

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    Daily protein supply of animal origin vs. plant origin

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