Deaths in armed conflicts, World
Included are deaths of combatants and civilians due to fighting in interstate, intrastate, extrasystemic, non-state conflicts, and one-sided violence that wereongoing that year.

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Related research and data
- Millions have died in conflicts since the Cold War; most of them in Africa and intrastate conflicts
- War and Peace
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- Civilian and combatant deaths in armed conflicts based on where they occurredCountry-level data
- Countries where armed conflicts took place
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- Death rate in armed conflictsRegional data
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- Death rate in warsProject Mars
- Death rates from violence in non-state societies
- Death rates from violence in state societies
- Death rates in armed conflicts based on where they occurred, 1989-2023
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- Deaths in interstate conflicts based on where they occurred
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- Deaths in intrastate conflicts based on where they occurred
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- Deaths in state-based conflicts
- Deaths in state-based conflicts by region
- Deaths in state-based conflicts by type
- Deaths in warsProject Mars
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- Deaths in wars by regionProject Mars
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- Number of armed conflicts
- Number of countries where armed conflicts took place
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- Number of new armed conflicts
- Number of new state-based conflicts
- Number of new wars
- Number of state-based conflicts
- Number of states involved in state-based conflicts
- Number of warsProject Mars
- Number of warsCorrelates of War
- Peaceful and hostile relationships between states
- Peaceful and hostile relationships between statescountry-pairs without relationships included
- Rate of armed conflicts
- Rate of interstate conflicts
- Rate of state-based conflicts
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- Rate of warsProject Mars
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- Share of member states in international organizations
- Share of small arms and light weapons with illicit origin
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- States involved in interstate conflicts
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- States involved in wars
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