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Related research and data
- Access to sexual and reproductive health care
- Adolescent birth rate, 10-14 year olds
- Adolescent birth rate, 15-19 year olds
- Age of mothers at childbirth by mother's birth yearMother's birth year
- Age of mothers at childbirth by yearHFD, calendar year
- Annual birth rate and peak birth month
- Average age of mothers at childbirth
- Average age of mothers at childbirth by birth order
- Average age of mothers at childbirth by mother's birth year
- Birth rateLong-run
- Birth rateUN
- Birth rate by women's age group
- Birth seasonality
- Births per day, on a monthly basis
- Births per year, by world region
- Births, by age of mother
- Children per woman that survived childhood vs. those that died in childhood
- Completed cohort fertility rate: births per woman
- Contraceptive usage: modern methods vs. any methods
- Cumulative fertility rate by women's birth year
- Effective Fertility Rates, by age
- Female labor force participation rates vs. GDP per capita
- Fertility rate accounting for survival until childbearing ageMap
- Fertility rate accounting for survival until childbearing ageComparison
- Fertility rate accounting for survival until working age
- Fertility rate versus female labor force participation
- Fertility rate vs. Human Development Index
- Fertility rate vs. average years of schooling
- Fertility rate vs. child mortality
- Fertility rate vs. share living in extreme poverty
- Fertility rate vs. share of women with no education
- Fertility rate vs. unmet need for contraception
- Fertility rate: births per womanUN
- Maternal mortality ratio vs. fertility rate
- Modern contraceptive prevalence vs. GDP per capita
- Number of live birthsHFD
- Peak birth month
- Peak birth month each year and birth rate per day
- Prevalence of modern contraception methods vs. women's educational attainment
- Projections of the fertility rate by education scenario
- Share of births by age of mother
- Share of births registered
- Share of births that are twins
- Share of deliveries with single, twin or multiple children
- Share of women using contraceptives
- Share of women using modern contraceptive methods
- Share of women who have had a given number of births
- Share of women whose family planning needs are met
- Stillbirth rate
- The demographic transition in England and Wales
- Total fertility rate versus shifted cohort fertility rate
- Total fertility rate vs. contraceptive prevalence
- Total fertility rate vs. wanted fertility rateScatterplot
- Total fertility rate vs. wanted fertility rateLines
- Total fertility rate with projectionswith UN projections
- Total fertility rate: births per womanHFD
- Total fertility rate: births per womanLong-run
- Total fertility rate: births per womanWorld Bank
- Total number of births by birth order
- UN projection of infant deaths
- Unmet need for contraception among married women of reproductive age
- Wanted fertility rateLines
- Women's educational attainment vs. fertility rate