Working children out of school vs. hours worked by children, 2016

The vertical axis shows out-of-school working children as a share of all working children (ages 7-14).The horizontal axis shows average weekly hours worked by working children (including working children in and outof school; ages 7-14). Working children are those involved in economic activity for at least one hour in the referenceweek of the survey.

Average weekly working hours of children aged 7-14 (hours per week)5 hours10 hours15 hours20 hours25 hours30 hoursShare of children aged 7–14 who only work (% of children in employment, ages 7-14)50%BangladeshBangladeshBrazilBrazilEthiopiaEthiopiaIraqIraqNigeriaNigeriaPakistanPakistanUkraineUkraineVietnamVietnamAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaSouth America200M200MCircles sized byPopulation(historical)

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