Homicide rate by age of the victim, United States
Annual number of deaths from homicides, per 100,000 people within the same age-group.
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Related research and data
- Causes of deathIHME
- Causes of death in 15- to 49-year-olds
- Child homicide rateUNICEF
- Child homicide rateWHO Mortality Database
- Distribution of homicide ratesUNODC
- Female homicide rateUNODC
- Female homicide victimsUNODC
- Homicide rateUNODC
- Homicide rateWHO Mortality Database, Age-standardized
- Homicide rateWHO Mortality Database
- Homicide rateWHO-GHE
- Homicide rateIHME, age-standardized
- Homicide rateIHME
- Homicide rate across sources
- Homicide rate by age of the victimIHME
- Homicide rate for 15- to 49-year olds
- Homicide rate from firearmsUNODC
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- Homicide rate vs. GDP per capitaUNODC
- Homicide rate where the perpetrator is an intimate partnerUNODC
- Homicide rate, IHME vs. WHO Mortality Database
- Homicide rate, UNODC vs. IHME
- Homicide rate, WHO vs. UNODC
- Homicide rate, by sex of the victimUNODC
- Homicide rates over the long term
- HomicidesIHME
- HomicidesWHO-GHE
- HomicidesWHO Mortality Database
- HomicidesUNODC
- Homicides by age of the victimIHME
- Homicides by firearmUNODC
- Homicides, by sex of the victimUNODC
- Male homicide rateUNODC
- Male homicide victimsUNODC
- Prison population rate
- Share of deaths from homicideWHO Mortality Database
- Share of victims who reported crime to the police
- Unsentenced detainees as a proportion of overall prison population