Share of children in employment, boys vs. girls, 2016
Share of boys (vs. girls) ages 7-14 involved in economic activity for at least one hour in the reference week of thecorresponding survey (irrespective of school attendance).
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Related research and data
- Average weekly working hours of children
- Child labor
- Child labor in Italy
- Child labor in the United States
- Children in employment vs. hours worked by children
- Global incidence of child labor
- Global incidence of child labor by age groups
- Global share of children aged 10-14 in the labor force
- Incidence of child labor in the United States
- Level of national compliance with labor rights
- Percentage of children (aged 7-14) in employment by sex
- Share of children engaged in labor
- Share of children engaged in labor by genderScatterplot by gender
- Share of children in employment
- Share of children in employment vs. GDP per capita
- Share of working children who do not attend school
- Various measures of child labor incidence
- Weekly hours worked by children vs. GDP per capita
- Working children out of school vs. hours worked by children