Share of people that think others can be trusted vs. taken advantage of

Share of respondents who agree with the statement "Most people can be trusted" vs. the share who agree with thestatement "Most people would try to take advantage of you if they got a chance".

Agree "Most people would try to take advantage of you"0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%Share agreeing "most people can be trusted"50%ChinaChinaEgyptEgyptIndiaIndiaIndonesiaIndonesiaMexicoMexicoNigeriaNigeriaSwedenSwedenTurkeyTurkeyUnited StatesUnited StatesAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America1.2B1.2BCircles sized byPopulation

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    Share of people that think others can be trusted vs. taken advantage of

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