Daily Data InsightsWhich countries have fertility rates above or below the “replacement level”?

Which countries have fertility rates above or below the “replacement level”?

Global map showing which countries have fertility rates above and below the replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman.

Fertility rates — which measure the average number of children per woman — have been falling worldwide. Since 1950, global fertility rates have halved, from almost 5 children per woman to 2.3.

As a result, global population growth has slowed dramatically, and many countries' populations are expected to decline by the end of the century.

This is because fertility rates in many countries have fallen below the “replacement level”. This is the level at which a population replaces itself from one generation to the next. It’s generally defined as a rate of 2.1 children per woman.

The map shows which countries had fertility rates above and below this level in 2021. This is based on estimates from the UN World Population Prospects.

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