Suicide rate in 1980 vs. 2021
Estimated aumber of suicides per 100,000 people in a given population and year. Suicide deaths are underreportedinmany countries due to social stigma and cultural or legal concerns. This data is based on modeling of global suicidepatterns, and includes adjustments that aim to account for missing data and underreporting.
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Related research and data
- Age-standardized suicide rates: comparison of sources
- Crude suicide rates: comparison of sources
- Male vs. female suicide rateWHO GHE
- Male vs. female suicide rateWHO Mortality Database
- Male-to-female ratio of suicide rateWHO GHE
- Number of suicidesWHO GHE
- Number of suicidesIHME data
- Number of suicides, by ageIHME data, since 1990
- Number of suicides: comparison of sources
- Reported suicide ratesWHO Mortality Database
- Reported suicide rates among young menWHO Mortality Database
- Reported suicide rates among young peopleWHO Mortality Database
- Reported suicide rates among young womenWHO Mortality Database
- Reported suicide rates by ageWHO Mortality Database
- Share of countries that have reported suicide data to the World Health OrganizationWHO Mortality Database
- Share of deaths from suicide
- Suicide death rateIHME data
- Suicide rateIHME data, age-standardized
- Suicide rateWHO GHE, age-standardized
- Suicide rateWHO GHE, crude
- Suicide rate for 15- to 49-year olds
- Suicide rate in 2000 vs. 2021WHO GHE
- Suicide rate vs. death rate from violenceIHME
- Suicide rate vs. income inequality
- Suicide rate, by ageCountry by country
- Suicide rate, by ageMultiple countries
- Suicide rate, by ageIHME data
- Suicide rate, by sexWHO GHE