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Related research and data
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- Annual growth of exports of goods and services
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- Capital intensity
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- Distribution of global merchandise exports, by region of origin
- Distribution of job finding methods for employed workers in European countries
- Exports between rich and non-rich countries
- Financial soundness indicators
- Foreign direct investment, net inflows as share of GDP
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- Global GDP over the long run
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- Global food exports: how much comes from Ukraine & Russia?
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- Growth of global exports
- Human Capital Index in males vs. females
- Imports of goods and services
- Industry as a share of GDP vs. GDP per capita
- Industry jobs as a share of total employment
- Informal employment in non-agricultural workplaces, by sex
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- Inward illicit financial flows from drug trafficking
- Job search methods
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- Labor share of gross domestic product (GDP)
- Level of national compliance with labor rights
- Manufacturing jobs as a share of total employment
- Merchandise exports by continent of destination
- Merchandise exports by destination
- Net portfolio investment
- Number of companies publishing sustainability reports that meet the minimum reporting requirements
- Outward illicit financial flows from drug trafficking
- Percentage of workers who found their current job through personal contacts
- Rank in the Economic Complexity Index
- Share of adults who report saving money in the past year
- Share of bilateral and unilateral trade partnerships around the world
- Share of deforestation that is exported
- Share of food products in total merchandise exports
- Share of global exports by income level of the trade partners
- Share of global merchandise exports
- Share of global services exports
- Share of manufactures in total merchandise exports
- Share of people who report having intentions to start business
- Share of population covered by social protection
- Share of products from least-developed countries that have no tariff
- Share of service in total exports
- Share of services in total exports
- Share of workers informally employed in non-agricultural workplaces
- Tariff rate across all products
- Tariff rate for primary and manufactured products
- The decline of transport and communication costs relative to 1930
- Time required to start a business
- Tonne-kilometers of air freight
- Total market capitalization of listed domestic companies as a share of GDP
- Total official flows commitments for aid for trade, by donor
- Total official flows commitments for aid for trade, by recipient
- Trade as a share of GDP
- Trade in services (exports plus imports) as share of GDP
- Trade openness in Europe
- Value of exported goods and services
- Value of imported goods as a share of GDP
- Various sources of merchandise trade as a share of GDP