Hidden Hunger Index in pre-school children

Global Hidden Hunger Index scores in preschool (under-5) children (GHI-PD), which considers rates of stunting, anemia, and vitamin A deficiency. This is shownfor the time period between 1999–2009.

No dataMildModerateSevereAlarmingly high

Data source: Hidden Hunger Index in pre-school children - Muthayya et al. (2013)Learn more about this data

Note: The Hidden Hunger Index (HHI-PD) for preschool-age children is calculated as the average of three deficiency prevalence estimates: preschool children affected by stunting, anemia due to iron deficiency, andvitamin-A deficiency. The HHI-PD score ranged between the best and worst possible scores of 0 and 100, respectively. Applying arbitrary cut-offs, HHI-PD scores between 0 and 19.9 were considered mild, 20-34.9as moderate, 35-44.9 as severe, and 45-100 as alarmingly high.

Hidden Hunger Index in pre-school children

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