Daily Data InsightsProgress on reducing global hunger has stagnated

Progress on reducing global hunger has stagnated

Line chart showing the share of the population that are undernourished. Globally this is just under 1-in-10.

The world has made much progress in reducing global hunger over the last 50 years. Despite fast population growth, the amount of food produced per person has continued to increase.

Rates of hunger — defined as not having enough calories to sustain a healthy and productive life — were estimated to be as high as 1 in 3 people in developing countries in 1970. Since then, rates have fallen substantially.

However, as you can see on the chart, this progress has stalled over the last few years. In some regions, it has even reversed. In 2017, 7.6% of the world did not get enough calories. By 2022, this had risen to 9.2%.

Conflict, extreme weather, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have all contributed to this reversal.

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