Data InsightsThere are large differences in LGBT+ rights across the world
June 03, 2024Bastian Herre

There are large differences in LGBT+ rights across the world

Map showing a map of the LGBT+ rights index for 2019, which combines information on policies such as the legality of same-sex sexual acts, marriage, and gender marker changes to show that LGBT+ rights vary a lot across countries.

As shown on his map — based on an index calculated by researcher Kristopher Velasco — LGBT+ rights vary greatly between countries.

The index combines information on 18 policies, including same-sex relationships, marriage, and gender markers. Higher values indicate more and better-protected rights; negative values represent regressive policies.

In some countries, people can legally be in same-sex relationships, get married, and adopt children. But in many others, LGBT+ rights are poorly protected, or policies are regressive. Some countries explicitly ban same-sex marriage or impose severe punishments, including the death penalty, for same-sex relationships.

While some countries have made progress in protecting LGBT+ rights, most still have a long way to go to achieve equality.

Explore differences in LGBT+ rights across countries and over time