Daily Data InsightsThe global number of children not attending school has declined by nearly 40% since 2000

The global number of children not attending school has declined by nearly 40% since 2000

The global number of children not attending school has declined by nearly 40% since 2000

The chart shows the global number of children and adolescents who are not in school across primary and secondary education.

According to the most recent UNESCO data, this number has fallen from 390 million in 2000 to 244 million in 2023. That’s nearly a 40% reduction. The global population of children has grown during this time, making the decrease in out-of-school children even more significant.

Many more children are getting an opportunity to learn now than 20 years ago, but progress has stagnated in the last five years.

Historically, more girls than boys were out of school, but this gap has nearly closed. Unfortunately, the global aggregate data split by gender has not been updated by UNESCO since 2019. This makes it hard to track recent progress between boys and girls.

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