Daily Data InsightsMeat preferences vary a lot across different countries

Meat preferences vary a lot across different countries

This chart titled "The most popular meats vary a lot across countries" shows the percentage of different types of meat consumption across five countries: Argentina, the United States, Japan, Germany, and Ethiopia. The meats are categorized as poultry, beef, sheep and goat, pork, other meats, and fish/seafood. For example, Argentina primarily consumes beef and poultry (both 40%), while Ethiopia consumes a significant portion of beef (45%) and sheep/goat meat (28%). Japan has high consumption of fish/seafood (44%), while Germany's diet is pork-heavy (48%). The chart uses color bars to represent each meat type with a clear legend at the top.

America’s most popular type of meat is chicken. In Argentina, chicken is tied with beef. And in Japan, it’s fish and seafood.

There are large differences in the popularity of meat types across the world.

In the chart above, you can see the share of supply that comes from different types of meat: poultry, beef, pork, goat, and seafood. I’ve picked just a selection of countries that highlight some of the variation across the world.

Of course, countries also eat very different amounts of meat; this chart focuses on the relative amounts in national diets.

This data comes from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Explore the most popular types of meat in your country in the global dataset →

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