Year of maternal neonatal tetanus elimination
Maternal neonatal tetanus (MNT) is considered eliminated in a country when less than 1 case occurs in 1000 live births. As of 2020, 12 countries have not yeteliminated MNT.

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Related research and data
- Annual new cases of neonatal tetanus per million people
- Deaths from tetanus, by age
- New tetanus infection rate
- Number of confirmed cases of tetanus
- Number of confirmed neonatal tetanus cases
- Number of deaths from tetanus
- Number of deaths from tetanus by region
- Number of new tetanus cases in children under-5
- Number of new tetanus infections by world region
- Number of tetanus deaths in children under 5
- Share of neonates protected at birth against neonatal tetanus
- Tetanus cases vs. tetanus vaccination coverage
- Tetanus death rate
- Tetanus mortality in children under-5
- WHO vs. IHME incidence of tetanus