Corruption Perception Index vs. share of people who have bribed, 2017

The horizontal axis shows scores in the Corruption Perception Index (lower values reflect higher perceivedcorruption). The vertical axis shows the percentage of people who report having paid a bribe to access publicservices in the last year.

Corruption Perception Index82030405060708090Share of people who have bribed50%ChinaChinaItalyItalyNetherlandsNetherlandsNigeriaNigeriaPakistanPakistanPolandPolandSouth KoreaSouth KoreaSudanSudanUnited StatesUnited StatesAfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America1.4B1.4BCircles sized byPopulation(historical)

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    Corruption Perception Index vs. share of people who have bribed

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