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Related research and data
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- Country-level estimates of positive reciprocity
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- Happiness inequality during periods of economic growth
- Happiness vs. life satisfaction
- How Europeans spend their time
- How important family is to people in life
- How important friends are to people in life
- How important leisure is to people in life
- How important politics is to people in life
- How important religion is to people in life
- How important work is to people in life
- Life satisfaction vs. CO₂ emissions per capita
- Life satisfaction vs. child mortality
- Life satisfaction vs. life expectancy
- Participation time by activity, per day
- Participation time in household and family care per day
- Participation time in leisure, social, and associative life per day
- Participation time in personal care per day
- People who report having friends or relatives they can count on
- Self-reported life satisfaction
- Self-reported life satisfaction vs. GDP per capita
- Share of people who say they are happyFirst & last waves
- Share of people who say they are happy
- Share of people who say they are satisfied with their life
- Share that feel safe walking alone around the area they live at night
- Time spent on leisure, social, and associative life per day
- Weekly hours dedicated to home production in the USA, by demographic group